


James Lovell

James Lovell was born in the village of Mango Creek, but grew up in Dan- griga Town, Belize. After high school, James joined the Belize Police Force Band, where he learned to play the guitar, bass guitar, clarinet, euphoni- um saxophone, and keyboard, taking advanced correspondence courses from the Royal School of Music. In 1995, James produced and released his first professional album entitled Cabasan Numari. James has produced and recorded three albums and is presently working on a bilingual nursery rhymes album. Recently James was instrumental in the Garifuna Lan- guage and Culture program YuGaCuRe (Yurumein Garifuna Cultural Retrieval Program), reclaiming and teaching the language and culture to children and adults in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the ancestral homeland of the Garifuna.